Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Reading Plan

There are SO MANY OPTIONS. It is kind of hard to figure out what I want to do. However, I am going to do a rough plan. I have to have some kind of plan here, but enough freedom to be flexible with my options. I don't really consider myself Type A or Type B. I consider myself Type A-.

[cue the confusion]

I like to have a plan and be super strict about my perfectionism with some things. However, with other things, I am content to let it slide.

Now that we have that cleared up, here is my tentative reading schedule:

Week 9: Sita Sings the Blues (film)

Week 10 - 11: Arni. The Missing Queen. (modern political thriller)

Week 12 - 14: Maybe Ryder's Twenty-two Goblins? It looks pretty interesting. I'll leave it here. Once I get to these weeks, maybe I will re-adjust my reading schedule.

Looking forward to the next few weeks!

P.S. I know some of you were interested in seeing a picture of my puppy. Here she is posing for her glamour shots. However, she's not too happy that I'm reading Indian Epics and not paying attention to her.

Lovely Lola (personal image)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I happened to notice this post as it went by in the stream because of the ADORABLE picture. And here's an idea: years ago when I taught a course in Greek epics with Homer's Iliad, one of the students read the Iliad out loud to her dog... and he loved it! He thought it was all for him... even though it was her reading for class.

    Anyway, I am so glad you are interested in Ryder's Twenty-Two Goblins. It is FABULOUS. We read that in Myth-Folklore, and everybody really likes it. I just today (!) added it to the list of books because Anu is using it for her project, and I was thinking other people might like it too! :-)
