Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Reading Evaluations

--> What readings did you like best?
If anyone has read any of my reading diary posts, they are probably aware that The Missing Queen by Samhita Arni. That was one of my absolutely favorite books and I am super excited that I now have a copy of it on my Kindle.

--> What reading diary strategies were most effective for you?
I just liked to write about how I felt after the reading and what the reading made me think about. That made it the easiest when I was writing the posts.

--> What did you think of the overall balance between reading - writing - commenting in the class assignments?
I thought it was a good balance. I especially like that we had the option for films. That also gave us a nice break from doing the readings.
--> As you look back from the end of the semester, what advice about the reading do you have for students who will be getting started next semester? 
My advice would be to look at all the options and pick any that look interesting. The reading options let you have a lot of fun.

EPILOGUE: reflection

I cannot believe it is the end of the semester! It flew by so quickly.

I know that I have said this before, but this class surprised me. I read so many reviews where people said that they highly recommended this class. I did not really understand why because India epics is not a very popular topic. It really grew on me and now I realize I am going to miss this class.

My favorite part of this class is definitely the Storybook. I am proud of how it turned out. I think having this project to work on was a great way to balance my classes. It really stretched my comfort zone with my creative writing skills.

I think that this class has really given me the confidence to share my writing with other people. I also feel happy that I have been able to learn more about the Indian culture.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Tech Tip: Blog Profile

I updated my blogger profile for this week. I read something Laura said about being proud of our work and letting people know that it was us who created these storybooks and blogs. So, I decided to fill out my profile a little bit. I put up a picture of my puppy. Surprisingly that was taken four months ago!

I have always been a little careful in regards to my social identity. In high school, I taught a class about online safety to some younger kids. In doing the research, I learned a lot about how information can be pulled by simply just tracking an IP address. Anways, that is why it is a picture of my puppy and I am not giving out my last name. I do think it is important to give credit where it is due, so I do like the "about me" sections in everyone's blogs.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Storytelling for Week 14: The Riddles [part two]

Continued from Week 12

“Boy, Goblin, you sure do take awhile to come up with these amazing riddles.”

He huffed. “Hang on just a second. It cannot be just any riddle. I definitely need to get you a good one, especially since you are one of those fancy, educated college kids.”

I looked at the sky and at the ground as the goblin pondered his next move.

“Please do not forget that I have to get to class. I would like this riddle as quickly as possible please.”

The goblin looked at me incredulously. “Boy, what they say about this generation is right. You all have no patience whatsoever. Fine. But just for your outburst, I am going make you answer two riddles. Let us start with our first one. It is a doozy. However, here you go:

A dad and his son were riding their bikes and crashed. Two ambulances came and took them to different hospitals. The man’s son was in the operating room and the doctor said, ‘I can’t operate on you. You’re my son.’”

The goblin now was staring at me expectantly.

“Okay. So the doctor can’t operate because the boy was the son? But his father went to a different hospital,” I mused. The goblin giggled a little. However, I was very determined to not let him win.


Maybe the son was adopted? Would that possibly be the answer? Or … wait!

“Ha! The doctor was the boy’s MOTHER!” I yelled with sudden mental clarity.

The goblin’s face fell. “You are right. Maybe that one was too easy. Let me give you a great one for the second riddle:

A man leaves home and turns left three times, only to return home facing two men wearing masks. Who are those two men?”

Well, dang. That goblin sure does have some good riddles up his sleeve. I tried to visualize this in my head but realized I just kept getting turned around. I picked up a stick and started making map.

I realized he made a diamond shape with the way the hypothetical man was walking. I chuckled. Too bad the goblin didn’t know that I was very into sports!
“The man is a baseball player. So, the two men are the catcher and the umpire!”

The goblin nodded thoughtfully. “You are right. Alright. I will let you pass the bridge.”

With that he went back to his hiding place and I crossed the bridge with no incident. I finished the walk to class as the sun came back out.

Author's Note: Here it is! Part Two of The Riddles. I suddenly realized that a lot of people were waiting for the second part of the story. So, thank you all for essentially pressuring me into completing this. I did not make up those riddles. Those are two riddles that I have heard a lot over my lifetime and I have always enjoyed them. They used to really stump me. In the original story, a goblin tells a king twenty-two riddles. There is one riddle everytime the king goes back to capture the goblin and the goblin escapes again. I thought I would switch it up and play with the "troll that guards the bridge" idea. The original story is in Ryder's Twenty-Two Goblins (2009). 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Reading Diary B [Ryder's Twenty-Two Goblins]

I read from Ryder's Twenty-Two Goblins.

Well, I was not expecting that ending! I knew it was going to be something unexpected this whole time and it certainly was. I did enjoy reading this story for the past few weeks, though. It was very interesting and different from the other things we have read.

I do not want to give anything away because I do encourage everyone to read this story for themselves. It is an easy read and keeps you interested and trying to guess the riddles for the different twenty-two times that the king goes after the goblin.

The readings have been incredibly interesting. I have learned a lot about different styles of telling the same story. Also, I feel that I have been challenged in my writing skills and creativity in telling my stories. I am going to miss this class!

A place full of culture

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Reading Diary A [Ryder's Twenty-Two Goblins]

I read Ryder's Twenty-Two Goblins.

Wow. These past few weeks have really taught me a lot about what I think about this story. I thought it was so strange that the king keeps going back for the goblin. Now, I realize that he is just kind of really stubborn.

Time has gotten away from me these past few weeks. Which is what I have been saying all semester. I keep saying that I am going to stay on top of the class. Which I manage to do for a few weeks and then I right back to where I started. I never used to have this problem. I used to be the super studious person. Then again, I was not essentially working a full-time job and going to school full-time. Also, I was not taking Human Anatomy, which is a beast in of itself. Life gets in the way.

Anyways, it just made me think of the king. He was very stubborn. After all, he went after this goblin twenty-two times. I just feel like I am stubborn in my ways and do not like to change my routine. Although it inevitably results in a day of catch-up. I have not reached the end just yet (I am almost there!), but I am very interested to know how this all turns out.

TIME (is disappearing before finals week)